Empower, Guide & Inspire.

With a vision for global peace and harmony, bahudha foundation is an organisation focused on the empowerment of one and all.

5000 volunteers, 45 experts worldwide

Through our channels of change, we aim to incite change in the world and celebrate humanity.

We have come a long way, but must challenge ourselves to do better.For, it is only by introspecting on our current world that we will truly bring peace to every person and home.


We dedicate our time into three channels.


Local changes, global outlook.

SSDVYS delivers social and community-based initiatives to guide and empower the needy in life.

Sadafal Education

Discover, learn and master your passion.

Sadafal Education aims to unleash the potential in one and all by empowering them with skills-based vocational education and learning.


Be the greatest you.

Evergrowing is focused on creating a community of global citizens to inspire, grow and become the best version of themselves.


We believe in focused initiatives.


Women Empowerment

Training Camps and Focused Workshops

Creating opportunities of growth by empowering them with knowledge and skills for self-reliance.


Mental Health Awareness

Campaigns and Workshops

Raise awareness about health and wellbeing including mental health, their impact and early detection to seek appropriate assistance.


Environmental Protection

Tree Planting and Raising Awareness

Working with Name Tree: an organisation pioneering the Green Mission across the globe, we aim to raise awareness about the environment and the significance of trees.

Sadafal Education

Vocational Skills Training

Skills Centre

Imparting skills-based vocational training in Stitching, Computers to the most underprivileged women and young men in villages.

Sadafal Education

Learning for self-employability

Commercialising Clothes Creation

Opportunities of applying skills in creating commercial grade professional garments through Kesri Creations for self-employability.


Meditation for Inner Peace

Online Meditation Sessions

Helping people deal with emotional stress due to the COVID-19 Pandemic and ongoing lockdown.

bahudha foundation welcomes your interest and support.

Contact us at [email protected]